2011년 8월 17일 수요일

The last skill post

 Good morning everyone! This is Rilakkuma in Computer lab..As you know, at saturday, we have to go to our home.. Can you believe it? Well, I can't.

 Anyway, this is my last skill post..uu

 There are many summer camps in the world. Especially English camps. But because there are so many English camps, some of them are  waste of money. That is the reason why people choose the camp seriously. Now, here are three English Camps. Two of them can be waste of money for me so I picked a camp that can give me help-the Ranch West Camp.

 Well, all of them are English camp, and that can make your English skill improve. However, their programs are definitely different. You can see that in the term of camp. Camp Big Apple takes three weeks which is kind of short, and you can see that in the term of camp.(Camp Big Apple takes three weeks which is kind of short, and you have to spent four weeks in Ranch West Camp. It's my opinion but I think four weeks are suitable for thr camps. Also, I like the idea of homestaying part, too. When you leave your house, you will miss your house but if you are home staying in other peoples house. It will make you comfortable. Well, it can be dangerous because the person who owns the house can rape of hit you. But, most of them are kind so you don't have to worry. Plus, you can learn nature English. On the other hand, in Camp Big Apple, you have to stay at dormitory with friends from lot's of other countries. If you stay with children from non-English-speaking-countries, you could learn strange English. And in Head Start Splash, you have to stay with your parents, so you will use Korean when you'r in your home. And that, will not help you.

 Now, think. If you ahve to study two boring things for three weeks, yould you like it? Camp Big Apple is like that. You have to study only vocabulary and math for three weeks. On the other hand, in Ranch West Camp, you can choose subject., This, can make you to enjoy studying. Some people says that if we pick our favorite subject, we will not study other things. However, it dosen't mean that and even we don't study others, I think it's better than getting sick of studying.

 Finally, do you think dirty, smelly and noisy place is good to study? No, Places like New York is really noisy and because of smocks, it smells bad and dirty, too. On the other hand, Philippines is not developed so it's dirty, too. However, in Ranch West Camp, you have to go to Canada which is very clean, and quite country. In my opinion, it's good placy to study.

 In conclusion, becuase of these reasons, I like the Ranch West Camp best. Well, all of them were English Camp and takes lot's of time but I think Ranch West Camp's programs are the best. Thank you.

Bye uu

2011년 8월 12일 금요일

Skill post three-parapgraph

 Hello girls and boys and adults! Me, Rilakkuma is here to post my skill post 3..uu
I want to do skill post but there are no time....
Anyway, I will start!

 Article from Chosun news(http://news.chosun.com) - Students' make up
Main ideas-red
Extra informations-blue
There are lot's of students who are doing make up.
 -spread hair gel
 -draw eyeline, mascara, and rub eye shadow
 -put manicure on nail
 -spread lotion, sunscreen, BB cream
 -use blusher
 -use tint, lipgloss
Korea Food&Drug Administration said it's bad for skin
 -students' skin is weaker than adults so they have to be careful
There are some reasons of students' make up
 -Korea Teenager Activity Center-> 'want to be pretty' is natural thinking but make up is serious problem.
I don't think this is right.. but anyway, I'll keep going.
Students' make up

 Today in Korea, many students are doing make up in school. Especially, girls are spreading hair gel, draw eyeline, mascara, eye shadow, and they put manicures..Spread lotion, sunscreen, BB cream and blusher. Finally, they use tint and lipgloss. According to Korea Food&Drug Administration said students' skin is much more weaker then adults so they have to be careful. But Koreas' girls are feeling happy with doing make up. They think that they are pretty when they do make up. However, Korea Teenager Activity Center said, this isk really serious problem.
Is this...right? I don't know correctly uu I'm sorry....

2011년 8월 11일 목요일

Skill post 2-Summarize and paragraph

 Good....night(?!)...This is sleepy Rilakkuma.....
Today.. I will post summarize and write a paragraph for two handouts,-Shark attacks and Bear attacks. First, I will summarize these handouts.
Shark attacks
Extra information-blue
-people get fear of being attacked by a sharck.
-the chance of being attacked is very low.
 -more likely that you'll be struck by lightning.
 -more likely to drown.
-there are some several ways to reduce the risk.
 -traveling in groups.
 -stay out of the water if you have a cut.
Bear attacks
Extra information-blue
-people get fear of being attacked by a bear.
-extremely improbable.
 -more probable that you will die in car crash.
 -Yellostone National Park-U.S said-more likely to drown.
-There are some kind of ways to reduce the risk.
 -traveling in groups.
 -stay calm if you run into a bear.
Okay, I will write paragraph, now.
Shark Attacks

 Many people experience fear of being attacked by a shark, but, even if you see them, they will not attack you. Percentage of 'strucking by lightning' and drowning is highter than to be attacked by a shark. Although, there are some ways to reduce the percentage of being attacked by a shark. You have to travel in groups, and you have to stay out of the water if you have cut because sharks have good sendse of smell.
Bear Attacks

 Lot's of people get fear of being attacked by a bear when they go hiking, however, it is extremely unlikely. It's more probable that you will die in a car crash on your way to the back woods. According to U.S Yellowstone National Park, it's more probable to drown than to be attacked by bear. But, you can move with groups and you can stay calm when you meet bear if you want to decrease the risk.
Wow!! I'm finally done!!!!!

2011년 8월 7일 일요일

Dancing Chocopie2

 There were a girl and a boy. They loved each other very much but their mothers hated each other.
So they were so sad.
 One day, boy said,:
"Let's die together at 2-floor cliff."
 And the girl said OK and they promised to meet after 1 week.

1 week later.

The boy went to the second floor, but girl went to first floor. They didn't saw each other. Girl thought the boy already died so she throwed her self. But boy thought the girl is late so he tried to do fishing. Then, something was caught. It was...

Dancing Chocopie

 There was a dancing chocopie. It  was dancing all day all night.
 One day one man bought it at a store.
 The men thought dancing chocopie was so cute.
 But after one week, he was getting angry because it was so noisy. So he said:
 " If you sing and dance again, I will throw you to the sea!"
 However, next day, chocopie was singing and dancing again. So the men said:
 "If you do that again, I will throw you to the cliff!"
 But next day, chocopie was still dancing and sining. The mean was so angry, so he throwed it to the cliff.

2011년 8월 5일 금요일

What the world eats-contrast

 Hello~This is Rilakkuma.Today I will compare foods that two families eat for one week.

This picture is foods that African families eat.
They have 6 family members, and look at the. They have one bottle of water, some rice and some thing strange, and I can see some strange-green things. These African people are eating this in one week.

 Now, look at this picture.
 This is Germen family. They have four family members and look at that! They have so many foods and drinks, and there are bottles of alcohols!

 Now, let's find differences between African family and Germen family.
 First, there foods kinds are different. Africans drink little bit of water everyday. However, Germen family is drinkig lot's of diffrent things. Men who looks like dad drinks alcohol, and there are lot's of other drinks too. Also, African family is eating little bit of strange vegetables(I'm not sure ) but this Germen family have lot's of fruits, pizza, bread, cheese, meats, vegetables...They have so many foods!!
 Next, amount of foods that one people eats is different. African family have 6 family members and little foods. On the other hand, Germen family have 4 family members and have so many foods. Then, one African person is eating less then one Germen people. This is a sad fact for African people..
 Finally, foods' cleanliness is different. Look at Afircans' food. Foods are in dirty plastic bag. But Germens' foods are in clean and pretty plates. Foods can be dirty if there are in dirty plates or plastic bag. So Africans' foods are much dirtier then Germens'.

 Now I'm finished! I tried to do compare, too. But I can't find similar things except that they are eating foods..So, Thank you!!

2011년 8월 4일 목요일

Secret garden!!

 Did youguys saw drama 'Secret garden'?
It was really fun, wasn't it?
I loved it because there was Hyun Bin!!
Today, I will post about secret garden..

Secret garden's story is about a women(Gil la im) and a men(Kim ju won)s' love story. Most important part of this drama was 'change of soul'. With rain comes, la im and ju won's body changed.
 This drama started at 11.13.2010 and it ended at 1.16.2011. Rating was 31.4% at the end.
Oh yey~ This drama was really fun! Now I will tell you the name of characters. From left, first women is Gil la im, next men is Oska, next is Im jong su, women infront of him is Yoon sel, and the handsome guy is Kim ju won. I like ju won best!!!!
 Okay, next time, I will tell you about Hyun Bin or 'The King of Baking-Kim tak gu'. Bye!!!

2011년 8월 3일 수요일

Skill post-compare and contrast camps

 I think the best camp was Ranch West Camp among the Camp Big Apple and Head Start Splash.
 All camps were English camp, and it can prove your English skill, but their programs are definitely different. Ranch West Camp can choose subject that you don't want to study, and this can make you enjoy studying. However, in Camp Big Apple, you must study vocabulary and math. Head Start Splash is similar, too. These can make you get stresses. I think we will not get stress if we can study subject that we want to.
 Time is good, tool I think three weeks are too short for camp and five weeks are too long. I think four weeks are long enough to learn English. Plus, I like 'home stying' part. Whatever we lick we have to leave our home, and Home staying will make me feel comfortable like our real house. Also, we have to use English whole day at foreigners house so it will improve your English skill. On the other hand, at Head Start Splash camp, we are living with one of your parent so you haveto speak Korean. It will not very helpful. And if you live with students from lot's of stange countries, you can learn strange English accent.
 I really like Canada, too. I went to Canada before, and its' air was really good and quite. Ranch West Camp is going to Canada, and I think Canadas' environment is good to study. Well, New York and Philippins are also using Englis, too. But New York is so noisy and Philippins is too dirty which is bad for studying. So I think Canada is the best. Thank you for reading.

2011년 8월 2일 화요일

Fun post-relay writing

 There was a girl who had a boyfriend, They were very close friends, but one day girl found an interesting fact about that boy. When their school is over, boy always go to the opposite side of where his house placed. So one day, she followed hi. He was going into a forest. When she followed more deep into the forest and realized that this forest wasn't like any other forest. The trees were look like goblin and some white things are flying near this girl. She tried to get out of the forest but forest was complicated that she was keep spining. She can see more incredible things. After seeing incredible things, she went to more deep inside the forest, in there she found her boyfriend. But he was dead and he was torso murdered(?). He sticked his body again and turned to a bird. It was an Angry Birds from game and I turned to a pig. The boyfriend was the huge red birdand flied like a huge bombj! He was called Brain the boy. He married with a girl called Hong Se-yeon. They happily lived after and died together in their bed. However, Seoon never had friend and died with nickname called 'Zzinta'. There was a Zzinta who had a girl friend. Zzintas' girlfriend didn't go in the forest so they got married and died together.

 Wow. What a crazy story.. I can't understand what is happening..