2011년 8월 17일 수요일

The last skill post

 Good morning everyone! This is Rilakkuma in Computer lab..As you know, at saturday, we have to go to our home.. Can you believe it? Well, I can't.

 Anyway, this is my last skill post..uu

 There are many summer camps in the world. Especially English camps. But because there are so many English camps, some of them are  waste of money. That is the reason why people choose the camp seriously. Now, here are three English Camps. Two of them can be waste of money for me so I picked a camp that can give me help-the Ranch West Camp.

 Well, all of them are English camp, and that can make your English skill improve. However, their programs are definitely different. You can see that in the term of camp. Camp Big Apple takes three weeks which is kind of short, and you can see that in the term of camp.(Camp Big Apple takes three weeks which is kind of short, and you have to spent four weeks in Ranch West Camp. It's my opinion but I think four weeks are suitable for thr camps. Also, I like the idea of homestaying part, too. When you leave your house, you will miss your house but if you are home staying in other peoples house. It will make you comfortable. Well, it can be dangerous because the person who owns the house can rape of hit you. But, most of them are kind so you don't have to worry. Plus, you can learn nature English. On the other hand, in Camp Big Apple, you have to stay at dormitory with friends from lot's of other countries. If you stay with children from non-English-speaking-countries, you could learn strange English. And in Head Start Splash, you have to stay with your parents, so you will use Korean when you'r in your home. And that, will not help you.

 Now, think. If you ahve to study two boring things for three weeks, yould you like it? Camp Big Apple is like that. You have to study only vocabulary and math for three weeks. On the other hand, in Ranch West Camp, you can choose subject., This, can make you to enjoy studying. Some people says that if we pick our favorite subject, we will not study other things. However, it dosen't mean that and even we don't study others, I think it's better than getting sick of studying.

 Finally, do you think dirty, smelly and noisy place is good to study? No, Places like New York is really noisy and because of smocks, it smells bad and dirty, too. On the other hand, Philippines is not developed so it's dirty, too. However, in Ranch West Camp, you have to go to Canada which is very clean, and quite country. In my opinion, it's good placy to study.

 In conclusion, becuase of these reasons, I like the Ranch West Camp best. Well, all of them were English Camp and takes lot's of time but I think Ranch West Camp's programs are the best. Thank you.

Bye uu

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